REACHA HQ team is in Tezu with the project team and is working on placement opportunities / career guidance for the current/pass out trainees.
The team met Dr. Mohesh Chai - Hon'ble MLA, Tezu
Advisor to Ministry of Skills Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of Arunachal Pradesh to discuss about the program and seek his guidance towards creating more opportunities for our trainees. He has also acknowledged the project's efforts.
Team also visited DC office to share progress and seek his guidance
Team continues to counsel and motivate the students as they complete the training with placement opportunities.
REACHA team have frequent check in calls with our placed trainees in Manali, Darjeeling and Mussoorie. They are also coming on board to talk to our other trainees and share their experiences with them and motivate them.
The team is also conducting additional personality development and communication classes for the trainees to increase their confidence, and speaking abilities - which is a must in the homestay/hospitality industry.